South East Essex Academy Trust

The One Show film at Westcliff High School for Girls

On Wednesday 11th December, Westcliff High School for Girls hosted a recording of a segment for BBC’s The One Show. Presenter Jeff Brazier led the piece on research by Dr Tara McAllister-Viel which found that young people in Essex seek to change their accent due to prejudice. 

Ten students from WHSG shared their feelings about the Essex accent via spoken word poetry that they recorded and turned into an audio exhibition at Clifftown Theatre in Southend-on-Sea. This was picked up by the BBC who wanted to come and speak to the students about their project. 

On the day of the recording, the crew arrived at the school early in the morning to set up and filmed typical school life at breaktime and lunchtime. The girls involved in the project then performed their poetry to Jeff Brazier and their peers in the school’s auditorium.  

The segment was broadcast on The One Show on Tuesday 7th January and can be found on BBC iplayer here:

BBC One - The One Show, 07/01/2025

Alice Wright, Acting Head of Drama said ‘Working with Dr Tara McAllister-Viel, Head of Voice and Speech at the University of Essex, our students explored accent identity and potential prejudice and exhibited the impact this had on them through the medium of poetry. The article included frank conversations between the students, and the presenter, Jeff Brazier.’ 

